Sexualized Violence Awareness Week (SVAW)

Sexualized Violence Awareness Week (SVAW) is a collaboration between the Anti-Violence Project, the University of Victoria Students’ Society, and the UVic Office of Equity and Human Rights and Office of Student Life. SVAW is an annual event that started in 2014 to engage people on campus in talking and learning about how we can come together as a community to work towards preventing sexualized violence. All events (including keynote event, workshops, and tabling) are open to everyone, not just students.

In 2018, SVAW extended to become part of a year-round schedule of events that engage students, staff, faculty and community members on the topics of sexualized violence and healthy sexualities.

Past years: 2019 [icon icon=”chevron-circle-right”]2018 [icon icon=”chevron-circle-right”]2017 [icon icon=”chevron-circle-right”]2016 [icon icon=”chevron-circle-right”] | 2015 [icon icon=”chevron-circle-right”] | 2014 [icon icon=”chevron-circle-right”]