Anti.Violence.Project Fundraiser and Dance for PEERS Victoria
For Immediate Release
Re: Anti.Violence.Project Fundraiser and Dance for PEERS Victoria
Date: Friday, February 28th, 2014 @ 7:30pm
Location: Victoria Event Centre, 1415 Broad Street
Cost: $5-$15 (sliding scale) available at the door on the night of the event and in advance at the Women’s Studies office (CLE B111) as well as AVP office (SUB B027) in the Student Union Building at UVic.
Outline: Due to funding cuts, PEERS Victoria Resource Society has had to close their Drop-in Center, eliminating a major support for the 450+ individuals who use the facilities. PEERS is a non-profit society dedicated to the empowerment, education, and support of sex workers. While the drop-in center is now only open for a couple of hours one day a week, its Elements program remains suspended.
We are pleased to announce that Women’s Studies Equity and Outreach Committee, The Anti-Violence Project (AVP) and UVic Pride have partnered up to put on an extravagant fundraising event. This will be a hoot-hollerin’ good time and a crucial event for supporting PEERS staff and clients.
7:30-9 (All Ages):
AVP is facilitating a raffle with awesome prizes (seriously- things you will want like restaurant gift cards, free haircuts, coffee shop gift cards, etc.) Entertainment will be simultaneously occurring (ask if you are interested in contributing a performance to this portion!). Free food will be provided and drinks will be sold (with profits benefiting PEERS).
9:30 PM-1am: Dance Party!!! (19+)
The floor will be cleared for everyone to get groovy!
Remember, drink sales will benefit the fundraiser and Annalee Lepp will be facilitating a 50/50 money raffle.
For more information on how PEERS provides support for healing, education, safety, liaison with the police, crisis response, trauma recovery, addictions resources, housing assistance, and belonging for all sex workers in our community please visit