A Better Man – a film by Attiya Khan & Lawrence Jackman
The path of healing is a complicated one, and diverse in its manifestations. For Attiya Khan, healing was wrapped up in her pursuit of justice. This led her to contact and meet with the man who abused her years before, film the meeting, and turn it into a documentary to share with others.
“Illuminating a unique paradigm for domestic-violence prevention, A Better Man offers a fresh and nuanced look at the healing and revelation that can happen for everyone involved when men take responsibility for their abuse. It also empowers audience members to play new roles in challenging domestic violence, whether it’s in their own relationships or as part of a broader movement for social change.”
(from https://abettermanfilm.com/)
What does it mean to interact with and converse with someone who physically and emotionally abused you for years? Is it possible to be accountable for the harms you have caused? Make amends? The film explores these questions through the documented experiences of Attiya Khan and the man who abused her, Steve.
This September, “A Better Man” will be screening at Cinecenta. The Anti-Violence Project will be hosting a discussion circle about the film following the 7:00pm screening on September 13th.
The discussion will be held in the Student Union Building (SUB), room B028. Due to the content of the film, and potential for deeply personal and emotional conversations following, we have decided to host the discussion outside of the theatre so that the facilitators can set up a container for safety. Following the film there will be several facilitators available to walk interested folks over to B028 for the discussion. There will also be plenty of signs. B028 is located in the basement of the SUB, accessible by stairs and by an elevator.
This film is not for everyone. If you are still in the early stages of healing from physical, emotional, or sexual abuse it is recommended that you create a safety plan, attend with trusted friends, or do not attend at all. There will be peer supporters and counsellors on site for the 7:30 pm screening on September 13th.
Join AVP for a discussion of the film’s themes on September 13th, following the 7:00 screening, in SUB B028
RSVP to our facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1967493053499907
Tickets prices can be found on the Cinecenta website: http://www.cinecenta.com/default.aspx?PageID=1002
The space is wheelchair accessible, with space at the back of the theatre for chairs. There are no push-buttons to open the bathroom doors. The door to the bathroom is wide enough for a mobility device to fit thru, there is adequate door width and turning space inside one of the stalls with a grab bar (on the left side in the women’s washroom and the right side in the men’s washroom), and the hand driers are accessible from a seated position. There is an accessible washroom down the hall from the cinema.
The building is scent free, but we cannot promise that all attendees will not be wearing scent. Gender inclusive washrooms are available in the student union building.
Unfortunately at this time Cinecenta does not offer closed captioning or descriptive video. They are working on making this available for attendees in the future.
For any other questions about accessibility you can contact Cinecenta staff: 250.721.8364 or AVP: 250.721.8080