What we’ve been up to this semester Sept-Dec 2016
Wow, a whole semester is gone by again. We’ve been so busy that it’s been hard to make public what we’ve been up to. Now that D-ease-cember is here and we’re finding some ease via slower times (half of us aren’t writing exams) we’d like to share with you what we’ve been up to down in the basement of the Student Union Building!
September was a busy month with most students returning for the fall semester
- Tabling – so much tabling!! And so many people met Bruce!
- Not only did we greet folks with tabling but we greeted a new staff member – our Outreach Coordinator, captain! (and their fabulous dog, Bruce!)
- Sexualized Violence Awareness Month
- Tabling, Info Fair, Farrah Khan keynote event – “We Begin by Listening”
- Sexualized Violence Policy Working Group meetings and consultations
- 3 Consent workshops
- 2 Support workshops
- 9 Support sessions
October was another busy one:
- 11 Volunteer training sessions
- 6 Support sessions
- 2 Men’s Circles
- 2 Support Workshops
- 2 Consent Workshops
- We hired Kenya Rogers as our Sexualized Violence Policy Advisor
- Sexualized Violence Policy Working Group meetings and consultations
- 1 trip to Ottawa for The House of Commons’ Standing Committee on the Status of Women’s study on Violence Against Young Girls and Women, specifically in relation to campus violence. Kenya and Paloma went and you can hear the recording here. It starts with Farrah Khan and Hannah Kurchik, Kenya and Paloma are at the 15:41:10 marker, or about 10 minutes in.
NO-vember was an awesome month of practicing say “no”. But we also said yes.
- Sexualized Violence Policy Working Group meetings with UVic
- National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women organizing – thanks to our workstudy for all their hard work!
- 9 Consent workshops
- 1 Support workshops
- 3 Men’s Circles
- 9 support sessions – thank you volunteers!!
- the last 3 Volunteer Training sessions
- A Queer Peers consent workshop that turned into a trip to a rally and talking about consent and pipelines!
- Red Umbrella meetings via volunteers
D-ease-cember was a month to practice slowing down
- 2 Consent workshops
- 1 Support workshop
- 3 support sessions
- Dec 2 National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women event
- Red Umbrella meetings and events
- A break!! The SUB is closed from Dec 23- Jan 3 so we’re taking some down time. We hope you find some ease in this time too